Monday, May 21, 2012

The puzzling puzzles of men & women

Between men and women, it's always like a puzzle. By that, I don't mean the whole you-complete-me-as-the-final-puzzle-piece thing which is completely corny and unnecessary. What I meant is you can never get the full picture when you first start playing the game. There are just bits and pieces that you try to figure if the blue belongs to the sky or river, if the red belongs to the sun or the roof of house. The most puzzling part is, most of the time, you don't even know what kind of picture you are getting. And by the time you finish half of it, you realize this isn't the picture you want and all you can say is, "Oh screw it. I gonna play another set all over again."

If dating a guy is like playing the 100-piece puzzle game, dating a rich guy is like a 10000-piece game. The pieces are so small and insignificant that you don't get even a bit of the real picture. You wonder, "how many women have been trying to get the picture before you?" or "If it's a genuinely great catch, why is he even available?" The puzzle couldn't stop but hanging in my head: Am I a catch? Or am I just a fuck? 

I don't know how people start their game. Maybe some people start off at 50-piece puzzle game, and then step by step moving to the advanced level. Maybe some just stick with one complicated puzzle and devote themselves to solve just that one. Being a non-particularly-logical-or-detail-minded person, I have been putting myself into many wrong levels of games that I feel "Oh screw it! I am just a beginner to kick off the level 10 puzzle?" I never finished even half of a picture. I tried. But sometimes it just didn't work out.

I guess life is about taking risk. If you never throw your heart to find the one true picture, if you never even dare to put those bits and pieces together, if you never burn your head to figure out what those pieces mean, how could you expect to get the one picture that is just right for you? Afterall, in your twenties, what's the harm to freely, boldly, indulgently look for love? Like what they say, you can't expect to be old and wise if you were never young and crazy. 

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